Saturday, February 14, 2009


Valentine's message to all of you lucky couples out there.

To those of you who will cuddle up to someone who loves you, who cherishes you, who has invested their love, years of their time, and the biggest parts of themselves in you, this Valentine’s Day, cherish what you have. Just as we have all been advised at one time or another to, “eat all the food on your plate, there are starving people everywhere who would love to have what you have.”, there are also people starving for connection that would love to have even the smallest crumbs of your kind of relationships. All unions are challenged by time and close proximity, but the ones that persevere, bulldoze their way through the sands of time, with straight aimed conviction, are the desire and monocle of every person whose heart beats without it‘s compliment. Perfection is not the scale on which to grade your bond, better to rate on the curve of effort, willingness, and loyalty. Never ceasing to search out, and hold tightly the source of your initial discernment that…this one, this lovely heart and soul, this person, is to be the rest of my life. Then, after such reflection, show that love all the honor it so deeply deserves, in what ever true form you should discover to express it. That…is eating every single precious morsel on your plate, and in doing so, those of us who starve for what you have cannot doubt, ever, that the search for true love is worth it. To those of you who see your Valentines every single day, I hope you set the 14th apart and make it special, because love is a gift given to be shared, and some of us live in a fickle world where what some take for granted is all we hope for. Have a very love revisited kind of Valentine’s Day all you fortunate couples! :) Lora Bayh

Thursday, February 5, 2009

“A Little Bird Once Told Me.”
By Lora Bayh
January 19th, 2009

Quite oddly on window ledge…a tiny bird did loft.
Peered through glass, rounded head, feathers appear’d so soft.
A curious glance, I gave it’s plight, it seemed to notice me…
if to implore…me through the door…to see… alright it be.
Never before, I’d noticed more, a voice within it’s teeny eyes
Which seemed to speak…faintly weak…that it witnessed my demise.
No word it said, not my ear to hear…I heard it speak the same
It held no fear, though I stood near. When beckoned…In reply… I came.
Inquired I….with all the sky, it’s flight was free to take…
Did it choose…my view… to muse…with such a vast landscape?
It offered me…perspective’ly, an alternate repose.
To listen more, it did entreat…to how… it’s story goes.
It did infer, we were alike, our perils…not so diverse.
For it once too, had lost it’s view, in a caged and evil curse.
For once upon, a vicious time, it was plucked by some sad fate.
Put in confine, until a time, chance came…to make escape.
The worst…it shared…that made it scared, was it couldn’t find it’s voice.
And when it saw an open door, it had to make a choice.
Now as it be, it came to me…..
to share a while, a peril that I….
…..perceived might offer hope.
For in it’s eyes, I knew it wise….
but to disguise… might paralyze…..
…..this catalyst that offered rope.
How could it know… my life so… it did, though….all the same.
Trapped in pen, locked within, until this courser came.
And I….in wonder…did reply, how did it get such courage?
It calmly sighed, without deny….“to imprison is to scourge.”
“I’m a bird, and by design, I’m destined to be free.
Never try to cage… or I will fly… so far away from thee.
Look at you, imprisoned too, you too must take to flight.
Though missing wings, your heart still sings, inside that grip so tight.
I’ve observed your laments tears…..
a witness to your captors sneers,
Observing all the while, you wear a vacant smile…..
and entice you to believe…..
You could share the skies with me,
for though I may be small, it’s still a soul’s right after-all…
To soar.”
A little bird once told me, what I knew within myself…..
If God inclined us as captive, He would have caged us each His self.

My earnest hope is that this piece would help someone, as much as it helped me to create it.
From the moment the idea came to me, things in my own life situation began to take a turn. I found myself looking for the “open door“. When it suddenly appeared in an instant, like the bird, I took to flight. I cannot wait to feel the soft new ground beneath my feet when I too can safely come to rest, finally free to be what I was created to be. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Whatever holds you the least bit captive, may you find the courage to break away!


By Lora Bayh
February 2, 2009

A love that isn’t mine set me free.
Stuck in place and losing my vision of what I was worth… if anything.
Circling life, but not living it…a tender heart reached out.
A friend who saw me, who took a chance to know me, who cared enough to show me…myself.
A strong hand extended by one who possessed character as I’ve never known before...
stopped me in my path, and breathed new vigor into my lungs,
resuscitating my very own will to come back alive.
Who convinced me my mind was sound, and turned me just enough to face myself
and take a deeper look.
Who offered an objective perspective, that all could be corrected,
that everything was able to improve according to my determination to make it so.
To not be afraid of all the fear, and impart to my spirit the permission to flourish,
granting me permission I never needed…
but wanted to be given…to spread my wings and soar.
Who came and went, but yet remains, in memories refrain,
and promised to be mine forever, if needed ever.
Not a love, just of, passion or pain,
but a love pure, supportive, without shame,
placed a mirror in my hand and showed me there is beauty to behold,
to myself untold.
A friend is gold.
Not a love that’s mine to keep, released me,
and helped me love…most importantly…
the person I never knew I had the freedom to be,
and gently, strongly, held me up for the first most difficult steps
into the light of my independence.
Who revealed to my sight all the lies I’d invested too much belief in,
and sternly showed me the lovely radiance of the truth,
where reality lives, and possibilities are endlessly abounding.
A love that cannot be mine, a love that serves a higher purpose,
stopped for a moment to grace me with a miracle,
and told me it could not stay,
that I could not grasp it too tightly….
assuring me I could continue my way alone.
One moment here, the next gone,
still inside that love is strong.
Knowing I will be alright, knowing holding the memory of that love so tight,
I will make it worth it’s time, to grace me with it’s presence…
though it can never be mine.
Such a desire to make it proud, to do all that…in turn…I’d vowed,
and show it the strength it imparted to me…I push on… but do so willingly.
And I swear I heard the buzz of wings,
surrounding all these lovely things.
An angel came to me, to show,
me love I would have never known.
A love that extended to my being, a love that proved to be so freeing.
I’m able, versed, confidant, and even proud….
but will never share it’s name aloud.
Other than to speak these words I write,
about a love that cannot be mine.