“A Little Bird Once Told Me.”
By Lora Bayh
January 19th, 2009
Quite oddly on window ledge…a tiny bird did loft.
Peered through glass, rounded head, feathers appear’d so soft.
A curious glance, I gave it’s plight, it seemed to notice me…
if to implore…me through the door…to see… alright it be.
Never before, I’d noticed more, a voice within it’s teeny eyes
Which seemed to speak…faintly weak…that it witnessed my demise.
No word it said, not my ear to hear…I heard it speak the same
It held no fear, though I stood near. When beckoned…In reply… I came.
Inquired I….with all the sky, it’s flight was free to take…
Did it choose…my view… to muse…with such a vast landscape?
It offered me…perspective’ly, an alternate repose.
To listen more, it did entreat…to how… it’s story goes.
It did infer, we were alike, our perils…not so diverse.
For it once too, had lost it’s view, in a caged and evil curse.
For once upon, a vicious time, it was plucked by some sad fate.
Put in confine, until a time, chance came…to make escape.
The worst…it shared…that made it scared, was it couldn’t find it’s voice.
And when it saw an open door, it had to make a choice.
Now as it be, it came to me…..
to share a while, a peril that I….
…..perceived might offer hope.
For in it’s eyes, I knew it wise….
but to disguise… might paralyze…..
…..this catalyst that offered rope.
How could it know… my life so… it did, though….all the same.
Trapped in pen, locked within, until this courser came.
And I….in wonder…did reply, how did it get such courage?
It calmly sighed, without deny….“to imprison is to scourge.”
“I’m a bird, and by design, I’m destined to be free.
Never try to cage… or I will fly… so far away from thee.
Look at you, imprisoned too, you too must take to flight.
Though missing wings, your heart still sings, inside that grip so tight.
I’ve observed your laments tears…..
a witness to your captors sneers,
Observing all the while, you wear a vacant smile…..
and entice you to believe…..
You could share the skies with me,
for though I may be small, it’s still a soul’s right after-all…
To soar.”
A little bird once told me, what I knew within myself…..
If God inclined us as captive, He would have caged us each His self.
My earnest hope is that this piece would help someone, as much as it helped me to create it.
From the moment the idea came to me, things in my own life situation began to take a turn. I found myself looking for the “open door“. When it suddenly appeared in an instant, like the bird, I took to flight. I cannot wait to feel the soft new ground beneath my feet when I too can safely come to rest, finally free to be what I was created to be. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Whatever holds you the least bit captive, may you find the courage to break away!
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